Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back To The Beginning.....

Every member of Hats & Taps has an interesting history and a path that brought them together. We have started to weave together little pieces here and there that only hint at the kind of quilt encompassing the ten lives that cross -- stitches, bond, stretch, step, shuffle, hop, ...and have become todays Hats & Taps.

When you started all this, did you have a clue, Carol,
that you would be such strong glue?

Carol met Ione at an American River dance class. Carol said, "We did a little number together and then (Ione) came over to my studio. The first group (1998, I think) consisted of Ione, myself, little Linda, and Flor Steed. Our first performance was at the pre-school where Arrin (Ione's grand daughter) and her brother went to school. We did Singing in the Rain. Our costumes consisted of plastic tableclothes made into panchos. Singing in the Rain was the number we learned at ARC. We've come a long way."
Lois, Rhoda, Carol, Ione, and Linda1 in 2006


  1. The story of the way you gals have stitched your lives together and created your tap dancing quilt could make a great Christmas movie. Warm and entertaining. Keep on tappin'.

  2. What a troupe we are now in 2009. No longer do we wear plastic table cloths! The picture of Carol at the top of this blog is one of our costumes that Hats & Taps member, Marie Saur, has ingeniously made for all of us.

    There is no shortage of talent over and above the tap dancing in this group, I can assure you. Most precious, however, is the feeling of "family"
    amongst us even though we are all very different personalities.

    Thanks, Carol, for the opportunity to enrich our lives with music, dance, and dear friends.

