Saturday, October 26, 2013

Social Club

The Women's Social and Cultural Club met at the Clarion Hotel for lunch and entertainment on October 18th.  Several were sick, they said, but Hats & Taps had a great time entertaining this fun group. The women made us feel very welcome and some even joined us on the dance floor for the last song salute to "Grand Old Flag"!
We may look like we need money, (this women's group always tries to give us a donation), but we do not get tired of letting people know we belong to RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) and do not take money or donations for our group.  Our time is happily donated to the county for the RSVP program.
Hats & Taps make or buy their own costumes and receiving compliments is payment a'plenty.
Rhoda master minded this multi colored Hobo outfit with accessory contributions from Lois and others.
"Side By Side", "Yakety Sax" and "Personality" made up the first set.
 Encouraged by our teacher, Carol, some of us try to use our pipes (voices that is) to sing along with "Personality".
 Formations and heel drops are always challenging on a tight floor.
We can count on Carol to tweak and fix steps until we find our comfort zones.
Remembering those changes challenges our brains....
but that's good for us!
 Second set began with "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy", 
followed by "Star Spangled Spectacular"...
 ...And finished with the favorite "Tribute to the Armed Forces".
 Glad again to have all ten of us make it to another event!
Grand Ole' Gals, we are high flying Gals,
and forever may weeee.....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the information and this is really a great concept that women are giving donation by performing in social activities.

    Social club is an ultimate platform for all age group people as it is not only helping them to be social with same interest people but, it is also helping them to share each other's thoughts by making new friends and while surfing on internet, I came across a site named as which is the ultimate platform for social club activities.
