Monday, June 29, 2009

Carolyn, our "Comeback Kid"

Carolyn appeared earlier in this blog but in a different condition. We were not sure Carolyn would make it to watch the May show, let alone dance in it! Here's proof that twinkle toes and eyes-a-sparkle is back! Another classy lady with strength of spirit and incredible poise.

Carolyn joined Hats & Taps in 2004. She started first with Classy Tappers whom she met while on a mission to rent Mission Oaks for her and Jimmy's 50th wedding anniversary.

Prior to the show, the group celebrated Carolyn's birthday and homecoming. We could not have been happier as the top picture, with Carol and Liz, suggests.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Connie - aka "Legs"

Not only does Connie have long legs, they are graceful legs. Connie has grace in all aspects.
Her speech, mannerisms, her whole countenance. No wonder she is a minister, spiritual leader, genuine caring soul. Hers is a quiet grace, all the more regal. Also belonging to a large family, Connie has had to deal with numerous travails. Yet, she always has time to take a deep breath ....... and bring you into her peaceful heart.

And boy, can she dance! Fancy footwork with flair plus grace, = Wow! Connie joined Hats & Taps in October of 2002. She met Ione while facilitating a Bible study group. One comment led to another and those toes took off under Carol's tutelage. Connie had never danced before but you'd never believe that. We have more proof of those long graceful legs too, but promised not to share.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Linda The First

Lovely Linda 1 joined Carol and Ione, (the originals) in 2001. (Ione retired, left stage, two plus years ago making way for this junior member, but that's another story). Linda 1 came with her dear friend Audrey, who tapped past pearly gates last year. Life's canvas ever changing. Linda also belongs to the Classy Tappers. And a classy lady she is, indeed! Always well dressed with a warm friendly smile. Her eyes hold your gaze with a world of meaning behind them. Pictures just don't do her justice.

Linda is part of a large family and still works in Real Estate as well. Making time for Tap is a must, however, and she brings class and style to everything she does.
Hats off to this lovely lady and the first Linda in Hats & Taps.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What's In a Name?

Teacher Carol's classes are popular. With so many students, names can be a challenge. There are multiple Lindas, for example. This may explain why Lindas in the blogs look so different. Compounding the problem, most Lindas are in multiple classes. Last names can be tongue twisters on already taxed Tap brains, so a numbering system suffices. The most recent recruit to Hats & Taps is Linda 5, (1 of 2 in Hats & Taps). Linda 5 takes top billing for attending beau coup classes and belonging to the most groups. The costumes are different but these are all Linda 5.

And no, we did not Tap to YMCA.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Carol 2 and Lois look Luminous

Click on this link to see more pictures of Tapping Through Time.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thank Goodness for Story tellers and Children

Ione with grandchildren at the Dress Rehearsal

The children on stage.

So Many Snapshots, So Little Space

Many extended tap family contributed to Carol's show. Difficult to include them all. Here are some, thanks to Linda's friend, Neta, who took lots of pictures. Linda's husband Bob, MC'd.

Peggy, sitting out with a hurt foot, helped on stage, and her friend, Ramona, did a wonderful job stepping in at the last minute to make the music flow.

Joanne cracked the whip and deserves kudos for keeping things moving behind the scenes.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tapping Through Time Steps It Up A Notch

Carol's tribute to Tap drew a larger than expected crowd of family and friends. Six groups performed, two guest groups and four of Carol's student groups. Two soloists danced, four singers, and storyteller (retired tapper) Ione, with grand children rounded out the show. More details to follow but first,... huge thank yous to Carol for organizing such an entertaining event! The tappers showed their appreciation by donning Carol with a very special hat, tie and cane. (Pictured here with son, Jeff)

Second, many thanks to Doug, Carol's husband, for putting up with so many tappers constantly invading his home. Maybe this money bow-tie and symbolic smooch will help ease the irritations!

And third, pictoral testaments to Carol's Mantra - Smile and have fun. We sure did!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hats & Taps at Dress Rehearsal

Hats & Taps prepare for Steppin' Out. Carol, with much support and many helping hands, has worked very hard to get to the eve of "Tapping Through Time". Stay tuned. More posts to come as pictures roll in.

Dress Rehearsal Angst

A love of Tap is the common bond shared by all of Carol's students and compatriots, of course. How we deal with dress rehearsal and pre-show jitters results in a variety of ways. Some of us arrive extra early in an attempt to calm our nerves and find comfort in a safe corner. Some want a last minute memory enhancing practise of that confounding combination Carol threw in to keep us on our toes...literally. Others prefer less time to dwell on what's too late to worry about now!

Effects include the wrong hat, missing choker, costume malfunctions and flat out forgetting steps you thought you knew. Not to mention forgetting those special shoes that make those steps sound like you know what you're doing! In spite of all that, the main mantra Carol impresses on her students is the importance of smiling and having fun. To that end, dress rehearsal was a wonderful success!

Oh, and this year's Dress Rehearsal's award winner for Outstanding Nervous Nellie Outcome (ONNO) is Arlene, who showed up with a mismatched pair of Tap shoes. Thank you for sharing, Arlene! If you hadn't pointed that out, the rest of us nervous nellies would never have noticed!