Monday, January 20, 2014

Post Season Party

Too many date conflicts and Hats & Taps was minus two 
for their post dancing Christmas party.
We missed you Liz and Linda 2.
Our gracious and lovely hosts, again, Linda 1 and Carolyn.
Twins as usual they sport somewhat matching tap bags.
The weather was wonderful and we snapped a couple of pictures outside.
Back inside for our gift exchange....
 ...Linda 1 looks very happy with her new Tap Dance bag!
 Oh, oh, Connie cops the scarves.
 By the look on Linda's face, there may be another theft....
but no, she leaves Lois to her booty.
Marie manages to lift the silver...ware for Liz.
Mary wraps herself around Linda 2's gift.
Rhoda gets down with her new cool cap and scarf.
 Carol's cha cha La Bamba puppy is a hit.
Now she has three La Bamba pooches.
Ok, four, if you count the costume addict.
Thanks for taking these pics, Carolyn.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Adios 2013

 December 13th and 14th at Eskaton Monroe then Sierra Meadows 
Mobile Home Park brought our busy season to a close.
Partners for the last time in 2013.
Winkin' and blinkin' and nodding to the audience...
soaking up the last bit of Christmas cheer...
we're happy to have had this chance..
 and look forward to next year!
Thanks to One and All!
 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

And Away We Go...

Dashing through the snow, well not in Sacramento... but it is the furthest Hats & Taps travels for performing! We dread the drive home in the dark, but Yountville Veterans Home is too special to pass up!  The Roseville Elks invited us to share Holiday cheer with some of the vets staying here.
 Space is limited but we start out with the
Tribute to the Armed Forces.  
No better way to say Thank You - to all who have served our country.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!
Connie gives an introduction for each dance.
 We start Little Saint Nick in an X formation. 
Chuck, Liz's hubby, is on the side ready to play for the 
audience during costume changing.
 "You better watch out" gives us a chance to ham it up.  
Teacher Carol, back right, reminds us to always "Smile"! Her mantra!
Our mantra!  Hats & Taps takes that to heart.
 Everyone here is smiling and having fun!
Oh Rhoda....are ya ready?
Thanks to Doug, Carol's hubby, for playing the music!

We eight missed our Lois and Linda 2.
Marie, Connie, Carol, Rhoda, Liz, Carolyn and Mary.
Linda 1 stepped out for a moment.
Christmas in Killarney is our finale.
See you next year. If it weren't for Carol leading this group, 
none of this would be possible. Thank you Carol!
 We had a great time Roseville Elks and Veterans!  Thank you!
We visit with the audience. Here's Carolyn  exchanging thank yous.
We were treated to a nice turkey dinner after the show.
Mary, Connie and Rhoda, Liz and Carolyn.
Ah, sated and feeling good,
we head to our respective rides and home.  
Rhoda and Mary rode with Glenn and Eric. Thanks to both for taking the pictures!
Hats & Taps dancing to Christmas in Killarney.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sierra 2 on Sunday

In our Dress Rehearsal outfits, - 
Sparkly tops thanks to Lois's keen fun-glow shopping skills.
Sunday, December 8th, was our big show at Richards' Sierra 2 school venue. (Tap Guru and host).  A long and nerve wracking day as it is a real stage with curtains and an audience of all ages.  Rehearsal began for Hats & Taps at 9 ish am. We were first to practice and first to perform at 1:30 pm.  The good thing about that is we get to sit back and watch some of the other performers when we cannot during the show.  It was an exciting, and exhausting day.  Performing two numbers, Christmas in Killarney and I love a Piano was plenty.
Rhoda, Carol, Lois, Linda1, Connie, Mary, Carolyn, Liz & Marie. 
Linda 2 could not make it this day.
Photography is not allowed as Richard has the show video-taped. A copy is promised and the videos may be posted when we receive a copy.  Thanks to Mary and her camera for the pictures she had taken behind the scenes during the busy day.  Mary & Marie
Lois, Mary & Marie in I Love a Piano costumes.
Mary & Glenn generously hosted a post party at their house. A wonderful way to exhale and chatter out the shared excitement, finally eat something, since most of us cannot chow down much before we dance, and visit with some friends and family who shared in the show. Thanks to all for a great day!

To Be Jolly...

Oh Serendipity! Once again, all ten made it to dance, - this time for 
Country Club Manor on December 6th.
Posing with our Christmas in Killarney costume.
Nice to have a floor where we can fit and an audience to delight. 
They always make us feel especially welcome here. 
Ruthie does a great job of playing our music and taking pictures.
A good catch with us lined up and looking in sync!
An even greater catch of us in a column to be proud of!
All that practice paid off Carol!
Having fun in a circle to go round that Christmas tree.
 Yes, we do many formations that start out in Carol's head,...
may look like a possible collision course sometimes,
but work out with smiles and plenty of Christmas cheer.
 All Ten Tappers again but with with Entertaining Ruthie,
for whom we cannot express enough appreciation.