Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fabulous Follies Show Time

Sunday the 21st was a beautiful day and fun for all.  
Our own Ruthie came and joined in this picture.
Dancing "One", as our first number. 
Carol choreographs in her sleep and continues to 
fine tune our favorites!
With broken hearts we complain .."because I couldn't dance..."
but bounce back in no time in, "Do You Love Me".
Ruth, Carol, Marie, Rhoda, Lois, Mary, 
Connie, Carolyn, Linda 1, and Liz

Fabulous Follies Rehearsal

Rehearsing "The Fabulous Follies" October 21st Mission Oaks show.  
Classy Tappers rehearsing "Cab Driver".
Each tap group practiced their two numbers.
A Hats & Taps favorite...
... "One".
Rhythm and Shoes
practice "Coming To America".