Tuesday, March 24, 2015

St. Paddy's on Campus

St. Patrick's Day at Campus Commons was a first for some of us. Half of Hats & Taps belonged to the recently retired group Classy Tappers as well and had performed here before. Some residents recognized the gals. We all had a marvelous time.
We were given a very nice room to accommodate our costume changes.
A full house, many dressed in their own Irish garb, welcomed us heartily.
Part of the audience was off to the right and left of center stage. 
Turning to all four corners for step kick, step kick, step kick ball change allowed us to see so many more happy faces!
The windy city section of Roxie is well depicted by Liz's fluid flexibility.
Kicking up our heels is what we love to do in  
Boys From New York City!
Lots of green in the audience!
We appreciated the oohs and aahs for both our costumes.
The luck o' the Irish was with us this whole performance.
That Pot O' Gold ...
at the end of the rainbow,
for us, is the eye sparkle, tooth twinkle and many thanks that we 
receive for our entertainment. We thank you Campus Commons!

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